Typically, I wouldn't write about anything credit card related like an American Express offer but because we've been their cardholder since 2004 and have used their cards and related benefits bountifully over the 15+ years, I feel it appropriate to do so every now and then so that those who are looking to get into the credit card point collection "game" would benefit from it, especially with tips/tricks that I haven't seen anyone writing about in the vast world wide web. And here it goes:

1.) $100 Hotel Credit Applied Against Your Room Bill During Checkout:
The last trip I made to Las Vegas mid October 2020, I decided to use my Amex Rewards points via their Hotel Collection Portal to book a room at the Caesar's Palace which costed me around 65,000 points for 2 weekend days in their Octavius King Room. One of their primary promotion when booking through the Hotel Collection is the $100 credit to use on their properties in which we did for food. Despite researching much, you don't really get a strong idea of what that $100 applies towards but during our stay and inquisitiveness, we found out that it applies towards anything that the property (Caesar's Palace) owns and can be charged to your room. This includes: minibar; valet; dining; spas; room service; etc. Despite being told that it has to be a Caesar's-owned property, after having gone through the crediting of the $100 during checkout, it seemed like almost anything charged to the room was creditable since the credit seemed very new to the check-out clerk. Definitely give it a try if you must or are curious but definitely don't take my word for it!
NOTE: The beautiful thing about this $100 credit (and the credit below) is that it's not something that gets reimbursed after a charge to your credit card but instead is credited during checkout so it never even hits your credit card which would require a reimbursement period.
2.) $20 Per Day Credit PER PERSON for Breakfast @ the Caesar's Palace Pronto by Giada (2 people for 2 days = $80 credit)

This offer totally came at a surprised for me when the check-in clerk brought it to my attention that I had a $20 credit (per person, per night) to be used at Pronto by Giadas, for breakfast. For Brittanny and I, the credit totals $80 for 2 nights we stayed. I've never been or even heard of this restaurant or Giada for that matter but after grabbing some breakfast to-go during that weekend, it was quickly appreciated because of their fun offerings. The line was about 10 deep but it went by pretty swiftly for breakfast.
Foodwise, Brittanny and I loved their lemon cookies, which they are popular for and I really enjoyed the croissants and grilled veggies. Despite being in Caesar's, their prices were extremely reasonable which made $40 for the both of us go pretty darn far for each breakfast!
Lastly, same with the $100 property credit above that could be spent probably on any kind of food or service provided by Caesar's on the property, the $80 credit that was designated for "breakfast @ Pronto" seemed also very, flexible because during checkout, the clerk casually was going to apply it toward another Caesar's restaurant that we had dinner at, had I not mentioned anything. Again, the credit was manually applied by the checkout clerk so there was nothing in their computer system that restricted it to breakfast @ Giada's only. However, if this credit is used enough, their clerks may become familiar with it over time and less flexible; but until then, have fun with this mystery credit!
DISCLAIMER: The $100 Credit applies to all hotels that you book via the American Express Hotel Collection once you're an Amex Card Holder that provides that specific benefit. However, you would have to stay a minimum of 2 nights.
As for the $20 food credit (per person, per day up to 2 people max), that was a benefit that Caesar's Palace offered at their property so I'm not sure if any other hotel would give you that same offer. Since Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas seemed unfamiliar with that credit, you probably wouldn't be able to find out by calling the hotels you intend on stay at about it. Chances are, you'll have to stay to find out!
1.) $100 Hotel credit for most things chargeable to the room, PLUS
2.) a $20 breakfast credit per person per day (2 person max) @ Pronto by Giada's (Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas). You're required to book at least 2 days.
X.) REFERRAL: If you don't already have an American Express Gold and are on the cuff of getting one but do not already have a referral link, you can click the card or link below. Thank you for your support!
Y.) If you have any questions, concerns, or comments that they benefit others, please feel free to post them below. Thank you for this as well. <3
Apply for an American Express Card with this link. We can both get rewarded if you're approved! http://refer.amex.us/LOCOOSzN?XLINK=MYCP
Disclaimer: I will get 25k points for your referral and you or who ever that uses this link will receive an offer to earn at least $400 in rewards value in the form of either Membership Rewards points and/or statement credits, which can be redeemed for a variety of rewards including merchant gift cards if you are approved for this card. You will also be able to choose from all available American Express Personal and Business Card offers that also provides this Hotel Collection Benefit.